Quotes from My Bosses

Quotes from my bosses and co-workers

“Dan was a joy to work with and was instrumental in building our brand voice.”

—Jeff Raider, Founder and CEO, Harry’s, Founder, Warby Parker

"I've been fortunate to work alongside some great people over the years, but there's too many reasons to list as to why I keep hitting up Dan to work with me again when freelance opportunities come in."

—Sean Sutherland, Creative Director, Mack Weldon, Bonobos, Five Boroughs Brewing

“Dan is who I go to when I need copywriting that is insightful and strategic... but also human and light. He gets the message across but ensures the brand never comes across as worthy or preachy. And more often than not he manages to evoke a smile in the process. He's a talented guy, and a gem to work with.”

—Lorna Somerville, CMO, Levain Cookies, former VP Marketing, Harry’s, Coca-Cola

“Every great idea starts with words. That’s why it’s important to get yourself a copywriter like Dan. He brings the perfect blend of curiosity, empathy and honesty to every creative project and it shows in his work. From headlines to long-form, Dan’s writing can help set the tone, capture your attention and make the very mundane sound interesting. He also knows when to inject his great sense of humor when needed. Invest in a human writer, like Dan. Not that AI crap.”

—Tim McCarthy, Executive Creative Director, SeatGeek

“Dan Carroll? Meh. But, gun to my head, he’s an exceptional creative mind who sees way beyond any brief he’s given and can whip out business-changing ideas at an alarming rate. Other than that, he’s completely mediocre.”

—Michael Kopech, Senior Director of Brand Strategy, FuboTV

“I really don’t like Dan. He and I worked together at two different companies, so I know what I’m talking about. His work is very good. Too good. He’s talented, smart and everyone likes him. If you’re a masochist looking to “bring your creative to the next level,” hire Dan. If you’re happy coasting along with a disengaged team and subpar work — pass. “

—David Patrikios, Senior Creative Director, FuboTV

"I've seen Dan Carroll take a celebrity CEO from WTF to LOL in about five seconds flat, and if that's not the guy you want on your project or team, well then best of luck to you."

—Michael B. Dougherty, Creative Director, Billy Reid, former Copy Director, J.Crew